Club Med CSR Actions – Diversity Management
Content submitted by – UNWTO RW
Submited Date : 16/07/2018

In 2012, Club Med introduced a set of dedicated measures to promote the principle of workplace gender equality and enable all employees to fulfill their family duties more easily. This commitment is built around three action areas:

  •  hiring
  • promotion
  • work/life balance

The measures in place include:

  •  Monitoring the hiring process for village GO® and GE with a position-based analysis of gaps in the breakdown of me  and women between applicants and those hired;
  • Setting progress targets on the proportion of women promoted to service manager in village Mini Clubs, Events and Bars;
  • Mechanisms to strengthen support during lengthy absences, such as interviews with a manager both before and after maternity, paternity or parental leave;
  • Aligning the treatment of paternity leave to that of maternity leave; - Extending the right to exceptional “sick child” leave (five days a year) to cover the period of adaptation to child care arrangements (institutional child care, home-based child care, nanny, etc.) or entry into preschool;
  •  Considering the family and marital status of service managers and GO® in village hiring and assignment decisions

Club Med operates a gender-transparent hiring policy, and offers the same salary to men and women of equivalent experience and job profile. In 2017, 44% of Club Med Leadership Committee members were women; a figure slightly above the average for CAC40 listed companies (42% - Source: Deloitte survey – Women in the boardroom, A Global Perspective - 5th edition). In the villages, women benefit somewhat more than men (in FTE) from occupational and geographical mobility, as well as from training. The proportion of women managers is slightly lower than that of men among village managers and Service manager.