The Tourism sector is being hardly hit by the COVID-19, affecting millions of people in the world for whom tourism is their livelihood. In times of crisis, the absence of planning and management makes the recovery more difficult; this is the reason why we must be as much prepared as possible for when this happens, and the best way is the union and strength of the industry actors. Certainly, this is a time to stop, think and meditate about the evolution towards a truly sustainable tourism model. We are now building a new world and so we need to work for the best future for Tourism.
This is the origin of the #TurismoReset community in Spain, a space for collaboration and reflection, made up of professionals from the sector, where we can share experiences and opinions, contribute with ideas and solutions, and generate an ecosystem of knowledge and inspiration aimed at the Regeneration of the Tourism.
Through this initiative, we contribute directly to the following SDGs (and transversally to a large majority of them):
- SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth: working together for the economic recovery of the sector, so that in the future more local communities will benefit from tourism.
- SDG 9: Industry innovation and infrastructure: Working from a bottom-up perspective to offer policymakers sustainable and innovative development models.
- SDG 17: Partnerships for the goal: Strengthening public-private cooperation to work together in the regeneration of the sector, seeking sustainable development models, and contributing to the development and achievement of the SDGs.