The Korporation Uri, one of the largest landowners in the canton of Uri, is a central partner for the Uri Holiday Region. The property of the Korporation covers almost all alpine pastures, most of the forest, lakes and streams as well as agricultural land on the valley floor. These valuable natural assets represent a significant part of the tourist attractiveness of the Uri Holi-day Region and form the basis for the tourism development of the destination in the strategic thematic focal points "Mountain summer in Uri" and "Active on the road".
Within the framework of the strategic focal points, the Alps are to be made experiencable for the guests. The personal and thus unique experience makes a visit to an alp in Uri an unforgettable excursion. The guests discover unknown regions, feel the need to come again and finally recommend them to friends and family.
For this purpose, the "Alpbeizli-Pass" (stamp collection card) was developed. It is aimed for all hiking enthusiasts who are interested in alpine culture or who simply like to stop in and enjoy local products such as fresh alpine cheese. For every visit to an Alpbeizli (alp inn run by mountain farmers), you get a stamp. The goal of every hiker and alp lover would be to collect all the stamps from every listed alp inns. The pass has been available since sum-mer 2015 and is still popular with guests.
The "Alpbeizli-Pass" not only encourages guests and locals to get to know different alp inns and thus new hikes and regions, but also promotes the added value of the alpine businesses. Thanks to the collecting fever, several hikes are made. Thus, the "Alpbeizli-Pass" encourages hikers to go hiking several times in the canton of Uri.
At the end of the season, the "Alpbeizli-Passes" can be returned to the Uri Holiday Region. For all hikers who have collected all stamps, great prizes are waiting. Moreover, a main prize will be raffled among all participants who have collected at least three stamps.