Etico for sustainability
The ETICO for Sustainability is a tool that assists stakeholders to adopt sustainable strategies, which guarantee an holistic integration at a social, cultural, environment and economic level. The main aim is to meet each stakeholder objectives, in line with each business environment and stakeholders, enhancing and highlighting the positive outcomes, for a sustainable future.
Etico for Sustainability was established to support a wide range of different business and social areas as, Education, Sport, Tourism, Hospitality and other vital development areas, such as industry and services. Our main aim is to build resilient and inclusive societies. We are aware that Tourism and Hospitality brings a varied multitude of outcomes within the sector it operates and to external stakeholders involved. This is recognised by its vast international economic and social value and also for its remarkable environmental and sociocultural impacts. Therefore, Etico for Sustainability provides a support framework based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
Etico for Sustainability contributes to differentiate stakeholders that commit with five main pillars, defined in line with the UN SDGs, namely People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships. Etico for Sustainabilty, is a referential framework which aims to assure the achievement of each UN SDGs by incorporating the Agenda 2030 within its business scope. We aim to achieve this by introducing and verifying basic management and functionality measures, that guarantee the commitment of a stakeholder with the UN SDGs and Agenda 2030.