As a signatory to the Diversity Charter in 2004 (the year of its launch), Club Med has long been sensitive to issues of diversity in the workplace. By tradition and especially considering the countries where it operates, Club Med promotes pluralism of origins and seeks diversity through recruitment and career management. The principles of diversity and non-discrimination have been reaffirmed in the ethics charter since 2009.
Among the elements that illustrate and help to ensure nondiscrimination are the importance placed during the recruitment process on relational skills and on the objective assessment of associated skills. Measures taken to promote equality between women and men.
In 2012, Club Med introduced a set of dedicated measures to promote the principle of workplace gender equality and enable all employees to fulfill their family duties more easily. This commitment is built around three action areas: - hiring - promotion - work/life balance Club Med operates a gender-transparent hiring policy, and offers the same salary to men and women of equivalent experience and job profile. In 2017, 44% of Club Med Leadership Committee members were women; a figure slightly above the average for CAC40 listed companies (42% - Source: Deloitte survey – Women in the boardroom, A Global Perspective - 5th edition). In the villages, women benefit somewhat more than men (in FTE) from occupational and geographical mobility, as well as from training. The proportion of women managers is slightly lower than that of men among village managers and Service managers.
Hiring diversity for GO® and GE is reflected today, for example, by the number of different nationalities represented in each village:
- 105 nationalities represented;
- 90% of Club Med villages have eight or more nationalities among their employees;
- 55% of villages have 15 or more nationalities among employees;
- some villages can have up to 25 different nationalities (average of the 5 villages with the greatest spread of nationalities)