CUBES - CUltural administration Boosting with the Engagement of Sustainability for local communities- is a European funded Erasmus+ project, established in in November 2019. CUBES derives from the need to create and disseminate know-how regarding the sustainable administration of tangible and intangible cultural resources in order to really empower all sectors of society, aiming at both cultural democracy and cultural sustainability. This kind of empowerment could foster grassroots ownership of cultural assets, gradually enabling the administration of cultural resources within a sustainability framework.
The CUBES project consists of 5 Intellectual Outputs. The Intellectual Output - Cultural Administration and Sustainability Boosters Curriculum is a Competency-based Curriculum, an e-Learning training program, that is now available online, offered to the wider public focusing on the acquirement of knowledge on cultural initiatives. This online learning program encourages stakeholders to learn theoretical and practical information in regard to the cultural administration and contemporary approaches to sustainability of cultural resources.
CUBES curriculum has been formulated upon the following main subjects:
1) Project Management
2) Community Involvement & Networking
3) Marketing Cultural Work
4) Fundraising for Culture
In parallel, the third Intellectual Output includes the development of the CUBES Online Learning Environment, where users will be able to find the online modules, participate in learning activities, use assessment tools to evaluate their performance and communicate with other learners and instructors, as well as the CUBES Mobile Application, accessible for downloading through the project’s platform and all major mobile platforms.
Discover more about CUBES on our website: http://cubesproject.eu/
Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cubes-eu
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erasmuscubes