This publication was developed within the framework of the Working Group on Accessible Tourism, coordinated by the UNWTO Affiliate Members Department and chaired by the Spanish Network for Accessible Tourism (RedEstable).
Its aim is to create an accessible pathway in nature, from which to descry a new approach for inclusive tourism development in natural areas, conceiving nature as the original space that integrated our full diversity.
The growing demand for natural-based tourism is reshaping people's travel lifestyle, more interested in lower impact trips as a response to the the climate emergency context we are living in. The negative impact of tourism peaks on destinations and the SARS-COV-2 pandemic are added factors that have developed a desire to escape from urban environments and find more immersive and sustainable experiences in nature.
Tourism based in natural spaces will therefore keep attracting visitors of all kind, reason why the shall be designed considering everyone's needs, placing people and universal design principles at the core of all nature-based tourism products and services.
This compilation of best practices, developed by members of the Working Group on Accessible Tourism and other entities with expertise and knowledge in this field, and the conclusive recommendations, are a joint effort showcasing case studies that provide innovative, inclusive and sustainable solutions ensuring access to nature for all.
This publication also raises awareness on a fundamental mission for the tourism sector, namely: making tourism development in nature areas more inclusive and accessible for all, taking into account that nature areas are - by its own characteristics - extra challenging when it comes to making them accessible.