Culture and Art
Content submitted by private person – mostafa
Submited Date : 25/03/2019
Culture and Art

Culture is a very complex and extensive collection, which was created by human beings in the process of social and historical evolution, and is the most important element of the identity of each society, its background, and its cultural richness.
The culture of each society shows the level of advancement, science, and literature in that society with regard to its social transformation.
The culture of each land possesses the specific characteristics and features of that land, which gives it a unique and different identity under the influence of the geographical and religious elements.
Consequently, preserving and revitalizing the culture of every society, region, and the nation is a necessity.
Over the last centuries, customs, traditions, and beliefs of various communities and societies have had widespread influences that have led to the expansion and enhancement of cultural relations with other nations and peoples.

In a constantly evolving world, a dynamic and effective atmosphere can be created by being inspired by the past and looking to the future in order to meet the need for development and growth using the optimum historical and cultural facilities. Today, large numbers of tourists from all over the world travel to become familiar with various cultures and arts of the nations of the world, and the creation of a market for the exchange of cultural and artistic goods of different nations will naturally