In 2012, UNWTO Affiliate Members Programme launched the Global Report on Food Tourism outlining the state of gastronomy tourism. The report presented various examples of tourism and gastronomy professionals with extensive experience in international organizations, destination management, in both tourism enterprises and training schools.
The 2nd Global Report on Gastronomy Tourism proviodes recent trends in gastronomy tourism, in addition to experts’ analyses and case studies suggesting best practices. The report, developed by the UNWTO Affiliate Members Programme with case studies from 60 contributors including UNWTO Member States, Affiliate Members and partner organizations, showcases how gastronomy tourism can be a driver for modern tourism in creating authentic experiences while promoting sustainable tourism. The report offers an introduction to a variety of themes related to gastronomy tourism, such as case studies on product development and experience in gastronomy tourism, challenges, communication and branding, good practices as well as training and skills in gastronomy tourism. In essence, the 2nd Global Report on Gastronomy Tourism provides a holistic perspective of the state of gastronomy tourism today and an outlook for the future of the sector.