Universidad del Salvador (USAL), Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos (UADER), both from Argentina, and Universidade Federal de Santa María (UFSM) Brazil, are part of a research network on issues related to tourism, environment and sustainable development. In this framework, they carried out the project: “Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals: The role of Latin American universities”.
The purpose of this research has been to analyse the contribution of the universities in the production, development of knowledge and training at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in the field of tourism in relation to the 2030 Agenda and its Goals.
The project was directed by Claudia Toselli (USAL, Argentina), co-directed by Luciana Davi Traverso (UFSM, Brasil), with the participation of the following researchers: Andrea Takáts (UADER), Adriana Ten Hoeve (USAL), Tiago Zardin Patias (UFSM), Caroline Ciliane Ceretta (UFSM), Irene Aguer (UADER), Marcelo Ribeiro (UFSM), María Martha Lucano (USAL) and Almyr Godoy (UFSM).
The preliminary final results of the project were presented at the Satellite Event "Turismo e Objetivos de Desenvolvemento " in the framework of the 37th Integrated Academic Conference - UFSM, on November 9, 2022. The event was delivered in Spanish and Portuguese, and was held in hybrid mode.
Based on the results obtained from the application of a survey applied to university tourism degree courses, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in Argentina and Brazil, it was found that, although the topic of sustainability is included in every tourism courses, there is still no evidence of a concrete application of the 2030 Agenda, implemented by the SDGs, its 17 goals and 169 targets.