Survey on how the SDGs have been incorporated into tourism
Content submitted by UNWTO – Roxana Ashtari
Submited Date : 06/03/2020

The survey is conducted to glean the information from all around the world and from all the tourism sub-sectors. It will provide an overarching preview of the current situation of the carried-out activities on how the Sustainable Development Goals are incorporated into tourism. The results will pave the way towards consolidating the existing initiatives and creating better oriented practices during the UN Decade of Action.

How to contribute:
You are strongly encouraged to complete the Survey and also share it with your networks ranging from the private sector to civil societies and academia.
Your contribution to the survey is really valued and the results and findings will be shared globally with all tourism public and private sectors.

Why contribute:
Tourism is a powerful vehicle to promote and reach the milestones of the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, given that it is one of the most important sectors in the global economy, a main job and wealth creator for many countries while enabling us to preserve our environment. Your actions, policies, plans, practices and etc. can make a huge contribution to the enhancement of the sustainable and responsible tourism.

It is essential to mobilize everyone, everywhere to take action, locally and globally. Your activities can inspire the ones looking for the best practices. You can contribute to the new ways of accelerating SDGs action for those that are still behind in meeting the goals and create partnership and cooperation opportunities.

Your responses will enrich the outcomes of this survey which will contribute to further empower tourism stakeholders to incorporate sustainability measures and policies in their daily work and objectives.