Applied sustainability in Swiss tourist destinations
Sustainable development is particularly challenging for tourist destinations, with their various service providers, organisations, associations and offices. The aim of the project “Applied sustainability for Swiss tourist destinations” is to write a new handbook for destination management organisations (DMOs) with practical tools, indicators and recommendations for action for developing tourism successfully in the long term (an adaptation of the German standard reference work “Developing criteria for the sustainable structuring of tourism destinations in Germany”). Based on this handbook, a practice-orientated training course on sustainability in tourist destinations will be developed. The project investigates whether a ranking or award provides incentives and attracts media attention for sustainable tourist destinations. It also examines how a “Sustainability in tourism” centre of excellence could create the necessary interface between the various stakeholders and simplify the development of the destinations. Project manager: Tourismus Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val MĂŒstair AG (TESSVM)
cause we care – voluntary climate protection in Alpine and outdoor tourism
myclimate “cause we care” is a customer- and company-based sustainability initiative for Alpine and outdoor tourism. The programme gives tourism service providers and guests a tool so that they can do something on a voluntary basis to combat climate change, which is becoming ever more noticeable. A “cause we care” company offers its guests the opportunity to purchase a climate-neutral service, while promising to double their contribution and implement sustainability measures locally. The guest thus enables global and local climate protection and service providers receive additional funds for sustainability measures. In this way, the issue can be addressed step by step in their own companies and their efforts can be actively enhanced through the networking of all participants. The exchange of innovations, the reach of communications, including cross-marketing, and the involvement of customers, as well as the associated awareness raised among guests, also create a basis for a movement. myclimate “cause we care” is open to all institutions in the tourism service chain. Project manager: myclimate Foundation
Creating a “slow destination” – an innovative and promising project for tourism in the Morges region
If you choose “slow tourism”, you are choosing an antidote to everyday stress. Authentic experiences are more important than discovering as much as possible as quickly as possible. “Slow travellers” take it easy, seek contact with local people and value environmentally friendly behaviour. They appreciate good food and regional products, enjoy tasting local wines and are interested in the cultural heritage of the region. They are committed to gentle mobility and prefer travelling by train, bike, horse or on foot. The innovative aspect of this project is the establishment and development of a broad range of services covering five different “slow” areas. Certain areas have existed for a long time, such as “slow food” or “slow city”. The new and unique element is the intention to position and market these five areas as a global offering, involving local stakeholders. “Slow travel”, “slow sleep” and “slow wine” are being added to the two areas already mentioned. Project manager: Association de la rĂ©gion Cossonay-Aubonne-Morges (ARCAM)
Green Marathon Zurich
The city of Zurich is being given a new highlight. For the first time in Switzerland, a permanently signposted route the symbolic length of a marathon (42 km) leading through urban green spaces is being created. The “discovery route” runs exclusively along the Zurich network of hiking trails, meaning that relaxation, variety and breathtaking panoramic views of the city of Zurich are guaranteed. This new tourist attraction is aimed at business and leisure guests who love nature and running and are looking to discover the city. The public and reliably signposted running, hiking or sightseeing route is available throughout the year. The Green Marathon Zurich is fully accessible on foot. Visitors to the city of Zurich can access the route from anywhere using public transport and can thus discover sections of the route around Zurich in stages. Project manager: Green Marathon Association
I AM PRO SNOW – the campaign to enjoy winter sports sustainably in Switzerland
The “I AM PRO SNOW” project helps Swiss winter sports resorts and companies to reduce their carbon footprint and make their commitment to sustainable and climate-friendly tourism visible. All participants undertake to switch to 100% renewable energy by 2030 at the latest. They also put together an individual action plan to motivate employees and visitors to adopt climate-friendly behaviour. I AM PRO SNOW is a project with an international impact. Project manager: myblueplanet association
Innovation generator in the UN Year of Sustainable Tourism 2017 – unconventional tourism ideas with the aid of co-creation
In 2017, the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, the innovation generator is offering expert and financial support to proactive people from all regions and cities in Switzerland who would like to implement sustainable tourism projects in the Swiss Alpine region and the Jura. If required, the innovation generator brings project initiators together with the right stakeholders and partners and establishes a creative environment. Projects that can be implemented are developed in three stages. In the first phase, project ideas are accepted and assessed by an expert judging panel. In the second phase, the ideas are developed in more detail and their feasibility is evaluated. The most promising projects are helped towards implementation with an initial contribution. Finally, the project methodology is reviewed. The potential need for a long-term innovation laboratory to connect innovative stakeholders with one another, help to develop sustainable projects and transform new ideas into added value is being considered. With the aid of co-creation, the innovation generator forms unusual partnerships and provides new areas for development. Funded projects must address all three dimensions of sustainability being targeted as effectively as possible: the economy, the environment and society. Project manager: International Commission for the Protection of the Alps CIPRA Switzerland
Making information on accessibility in the Swiss hotel industry visible and marketable
People with disabilities or age-related restrictions need accessible entrances, toilets and rooms. From 2018, the Swiss hotel database will contain comprehensive information on hotel accessibility, which tourism platforms can use. The aim is to make searching for accessible hotels easier for accessible tourism guests thanks to reliable information visible on tourism platforms. As part of the cooperation project between tourism and disability organisations, standardised information criteria and pictograms will be coordinated and the necessary data will be recorded uniformly. Finally, they will be made available to tourism platforms via the Swiss hotel database in the form of differentiated information on accessibility in hotels. Project manager: Claire & George Foundation
Tourism close to nature and culture in Swiss parks
The Swiss parks are doing their bit to achieve the SDGs with innovative and sustainable tourism offers focusing on the following activities: - Developing environmentally friendly tourism offers (SDG 7, 13-15) - Promoting innovations in tourism in the areas of infrastructure, health-focused, social and accessible offers and educational and awareness-raising offers (SDG 3-4, 9-10) - Forming partnerships between tourism stakeholders (organisations, service providers, mobility partners) and parks (SDG 17) - Generating added value for the park regions and creating jobs (SDG 8) Two best-practice projects: Schweizer PĂ€rke fĂŒr alle (Swiss parks for all) – the parks are striving to achieve an inclusive society. They are improving information on the accessibility of tourism offers so that disabled people can also plan their trips to the parks independently. Park management bodies are raising awareness of accessibility among staff and partners and developing accessible tourism offers to enable everyone to discover nature and culture while enjoying a high-quality experience. Destination Nature – a strong partnership for gentle mobility. All tourism offers in the parks can be reached by public transport but it is not used often enough. In order to boost public transport use, the parks are working with regional railway companies (such as RhB and BLS), PostBus and nature conservation organisations (VCS, BirdLife) to develop and market attractive public transport packages and highlight the benefits of travelling by public transport. Project manager: Swiss Parks Network