The local development project spearheaded by Club Med and the NGO Agrisud supports local producers who are in precarious situations and live in the vicinity of Club Med resorts in Senegal, Brazil, Morocco and Indonesia. The initiative’s challenging aim is to organize a lasting match between the local supply of food products and the demands of Club Med resorts – meeting quality, quantity, diversity, regularity and price criteria. Its objective is also to ensure fair remuneration for producers and a strong distribution of added value, giving the poorest groups access to these markets. The project has trained 350 Very Small Enterprise (VSE) vegetable and produce suppliers in agro-ecology, as well as organizing these suppliers into commercial cooperatives. They have since been able to supply 92 tonnes of vegetables to Club Med resorts in these four countries. Overall, the partnership has benefited about 2,400 people – both local producers and their families.
The project’s approach is comprehensive – spanning the entire supply chain from the producer to the end customer, in order to match the now-professional supply side with the high expectations of the demand side. Agrisud interacts with farming VSEs near Club Med resorts in order to:
– Strengthen producers’ capacities in technical matters (e.g. agro-ecological practices), economic management (e.g. the development and analysis of operating accounts) and organizational issues (e.g. the bulk purchase of seeds, the maintenance of irrigation systems, etc.); and
– Establish a sustainable local procurement system through the participatory development of the procurement protocol, as well as by grouping producers into commercial cooperatives.