Feel IQM in a program IQM Destination works based on integral quality management.Our goals are:
- Increasing and strengthening public-private partnerships.
- Measuring the elements of sustainable development and responsible tourism.
- On a beginning of cooperation with new destination, KPI and monitoring of every indicator (more than 100 indicators od integral quality management). - On a beginning of a project in every destination we prepare surveys and present the results of satisfaction of the residents with tourism in the destination, satisfaction of guests, online quality reputation, satisfaction of tourism partners (hoteliers, restaurants, local producer, …). We are measuring online reputation of tourism partners in a destination and for a whole destination as well.
- We create destination standards and stimulate quality min 80/100, including local products in tourism for min 25% in every possible component.
- we are planning for next year to have a benchmarking between destinations (22 destination in Croatia in a moment).