Red Rocks located in Musanze, a part of the northern district of Rwanda continues to pioneer improving standards of living for communities around the Virunga national park through its grassroots approach to creating sustainable opportunities that empowers women and the youth through CBT programs thus ensuring intervention in job creation opportunities. Globally, quality skills development has been directly linked to youth employment and sustainable economic development and in fact, relevant skills and competencies and access to jobs can help accelerate the progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, resulting in economic empowerment for all.
Together with its community cooperative partners, Red Rocks https://www.redrocksinitiative.org/about-us/ aims to create jobs and strengthen its employment promotion approach among women and the youth through capacity development, vocational skills empowerment and training to enhance the quality of labour supply while positively contributing to raising labour demand, our community development programs are now specifically focusing on the economic empowerment of women plus the youths, ensuring inclusivity and environmental sustainability.
Our areas of intervention include an arts and crafts conservation program that focuses on traditional Rwandan crafts such as basket weaving, pottery, and beadwork. The program provides training in these skills, as well as business and marketing skills, to help participants turn their crafts into a sustainable source of income. This program has had a significant impact on the lives of the participants, particularly women and youth, who are often marginalized and face limited opportunities in education and employment. By providing training and employment opportunities, Red Rocks is helping to empower women and youth by providing technical workshops in culinary arts or sewing plus pottery training.