The Tourism Observatory of Minas Gerais is a research network composed by 18 entities between public and private institutions (including tourism universities) and coordinated by the Secretary of Minas Gerais State for Tourism. The Observatory aims to monitor, as a network, the touristic activities in the State, encouraging innovation, market intelligence and to promote academic researches.
The entity has as fundamental premises the sharing of information and the establishment of partnerships to carry out its activities. The partnerships can help the formulation and application of researches, generation of reports, exchange of information and knowledge, fieldworks, academic work, among others.
In the website (https://seturmg.wixsite.com/observatorioturismo), the surveys, data and results produced by the network can be downloaded and viewed in a practical and easy way, assisting in studies, planning actions and decision-making by those involved in the tourism sector.
The Observatory is also responsible for the “Tourism Research and Innovation Seminar” (http://tourism4sdgs.org/events/seminario-mineiro-de-pesquisa-e-inovacao-em-turismo/), and also participates in the “ Brazilian Tourism Observatories Network”, which was originated in the first seminar edition.
Through Decree No. 47,526/2018, the Observatory was regulated as a research entity, being supported by State Law No. 22,765/2017.