Red Rocks Biodegradable straws
Content submitted by Red Rocks Initiatives – Gregory
Submited Date : 15/03/2021

As the world is increasingly aware of the disadvantages of the plastic crisis, we declared to say no to using plastics straw, it is in this regard that we initiated the idea of planting the Lepironia Articulata wild grass to combat the issue, we have come up with new, more sustainable materials to make straws from the wild grass. To make both the fresh grass straws and the dried grass straws, the grass is harvested, washed, and cut into straw-sized tubes. Then, an iron rod is used to clean the inner part of the straws, followed by one last washing. While paper straws have seen a surge in popularity lately, many have criticized them for their lack of durability – in terms of them getting soggy. Metal straws have been popular too, they are reusable and have the ease of being washable.
We found a zero-waste alternative to growing sustainable plastic straws. The straws are made from grey sedge grass of the species Lepironia Articulata. We have the intention of protecting the environment by reducing the use of plastic straws. To make both types of straws, the grass is harvested, washed, and cut into straw-sized tubes – lengths measuring 20 centimeters (about 8 inches). We plan in the future to sell the biodegradable straws, thus supporting the women and youth populations around our area.