Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP Cambodia)
Content submitted by Swisscontact – Tourism
Submited Date : 25/03/2021

Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP)  focuses on enterprise development in the agriculture and tourism sectors. Cambodia’s agriculture sector which is a major employer and livelihood option for the majority of the poor, is one of the key engines for economic growth and poverty reduction in the country. MIGIP recognises the critical role that agro-technologies can play in transforming Cambodia agriculture towards sustainable intensification.

Tourism sector is a key driver for local economic development in Cambodia. MIGIP recognises that growth in the tourism sector has the potential to contribute to job creation, revenue generation, the improvement of people’s livelihood and poverty alleviation.

Agriculture Sector

To increase production through sustainable intensification and to increase the competitiveness of the agriculture sector, the use of improved technology and techniques are necessary. Hence, MIGIP is supporting the promotion of existing and new technologies giving special emphasis to sustainable agriculture. To achieve this vision in agriculture, MIGIP is working in the following intervention areas:

  1. Increase efficiency of service provision: by improving functions that support agricultural technology such as access to finance, information services and extension services
  2. Promote the adoption of agriculture technology: by increasing awareness of various agriculture technologies
  3. Improve the quality of crops: by working on various mechanisms with the private sector and other market actors to transfer knowledge to smallholder farmers
  4. Enhance commercial orientation of agriculture technologies: by facilitating stakeholder research on the commercialisation of agriculture technology particularly on sustainable agriculture.

Tourism sector

To increase the competitiveness of the tourism sector, MIGIP focuses on strengthening destination management structure, processes, marketing, and skills through public-private partnerships at the sub-national level. To achieve this vision in tourism, MIGIP is working in the following intervention areas:

  1. Strengthen destination marketing: by developing sub-brands through the Visitor Flows marketing strategy
  2. Improve service quality and skills: by providing in-house trainings aligned with the national standards for low-skilled workers
  3. Strengthen specific visitor flows: by supporting local businesses to develop new products and activities targeted to specific market segments
  4. Enhance destination management structure: by promoting public-private partnership in destination management.