Under Construction: Tourism4SDGs Platform Sharing Feature
Posted Date : 4th January, 2022

Dear Valued Platform Users,

We hope this finds all of you healthy and well. We cannot emphasize enough our gratitude for your ongoing support of the Tourism4SDGs Platform.

We are currently working to make your experience on the platform even more engaging and seeking your patience while we perform maintenance work on the ‘Share‘ Feature of the platform.

 If you would like to share your Events/Stories/Initiatives/COVID-19 Initiatives/Education and Training/Research on the platform, please email tourism4SDGs@unwto.org and we would be glad to help!

We look forward to receiving your submissions and encourage you to continue to learn and share with us on the Tourism4SDGs Platform, and together we can make tourism the driver to achieve the 2030 Agenda!

Until then, Take care and stay safe.

Yours sincerely,
The Tourism4SDGs Platform Team