What can you do?
  • Create programs (e.g., internships, work-study programs, traineeships, etc.) that give students earlier access to the corporate environment and demonstrate employment opportunities in tourism.
  • Develop cost-effective education products and services that eliminate barriers to access and improve the quality of learning (e.g., ICT solutions to improve the delivery of education, innovative measurement tools, etc.).
  • Offer apprenticeship opportunities and engage communities to participate in tourism value chains for goods and services.
  • Create tools and disseminate good practices for resources efficiency, including for uptake in circular economy enterprises and start-ups
  • Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships
  • Use technological expertise to help build capacity of hospitality sector to deliver solutions to improve energy efficiency in buildings and enable sound building management practices using good data about a building’s performance.