2nd Press Release of Pro-Women - Upskilling Itineraries Up-skilling Itineraries for Women as New Cultural Promoters to Enhance Territorial Heritage
Pro-Women – Up-skilling Itineraries for Women as New Cultural Promoters to Enhance Territorial Heritage is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that wants to promote equal opportunities and social-labour inclusion of the low-skilled and unemployed women by providing intervention tools for training and empowerment. The target group has undertaken a participative learning path to strengthen their competencies and acquire new ones, with the final aim of supporting their employability in the Tourism sector. The project challenge is to operate in sustainable tourism. Therefore, this sector must increasingly be approached with a view of enhancing the cultural and environmental heritage, namely the legacy which includes tangible and intangible culture, as well as natural heritage (landscapes, biodiversity, etc.). The 2nd press release of the project has been published! Take a look and find out about the exciting last steps of the project before its completion at the end of October 2021. The partners involved in Pro-Women project are: - Cooperativa Sociale San Saturnino Onlus - Italy (coordinator) - Obiettivo Famiglia / Federcasalinghe - Italy - Center for Social Innovation CSI - Cyprus - WISAMAR - Germany - Ayuntamiento de Torrijos - Spain - OSENGO - France
Empowering Women through Tourism: A Handbook for Educators & Trainers
This Handbook was developed in the context of the Erasmus+ project Pro-Women - Up-skilling Itineraries for Women as New Cultural Promoters to Enhance Territorial Heritage (www.prowomen-project.eu). It aims at helping professionals (educators, trainers) working with women in a vulnerable situation to develop learning activities and make their up-skilling and to promote their employability in the tourism sector. The Handbook provides suggestions on how to work with vulnerable women, while emphasizing at the same time the individuality of each person. It also contains information on how to effectively communicate, listen and engage, observe, promote and enable, mobilise resources, assess and plan. It is a holistic reference point of the project objectives as a whole, while simultaneously utilizing all the resources that have been developed within the project duration. One innovative element of this Output is that it offers tools and exercises that help identify the specific challenges of each woman in a vulnerable position and thus to assess their actual needs in order to adapt the intervention paths and perspectives to the real needs of the individual. This is reflected in the belief that women do not comprise a homogeneous group or category; they face different challenges and thus it is crucial to try and understand their situation and their specific needs in order to formulate appropriate plans of action. Lastly, the methodological approach of the Handbook is focused on the perspectives that form the basis for empowerment of the work with women in vulnerable situations, namely: • a gender perspective • an anti-discriminatory perspective • an anti-oppressive perspective • an anti-racist perspective • a users’ perspective.
Pro-Women - Upskilling Itineraries Up-skilling Itineraries for Women as New Cultural Promoters to Enhance Territorial Heritage
Pro-Women – Up-skilling Itineraries for Women as New Cultural Promoters to Enhance Territorial Heritage is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that wants to promote equal opportunities and social-labour inclusion of the low-skilled and unemployed women by providing intervention tools for training and empowerment. The target group will undertake a participative learning path to strengthen their competences and acquire new ones, with the final aim of supporting their employability in the Tourism sector. The project challenge is to operate in sustainable tourism. Therefore, this sector must increasingly be approached with a view of enhancing the cultural and environmental heritage, namely the legacy which includes tangible and intangible culture, as well as natural heritage (landscapes, biodiversity, etc.). Objectives: - To valorise innovative methodological approaches aimed at women empowerment. - To facilitate low-skilled and unemployed women’s access to training, employment, and entrepreneurship by empowering them. - To boost cultural growth, enhancement of cultural heritages, social inclusion, and cohesion processes involving local communities. - To promote entrepreneurship among the target group as a way of improving its social and labour situation. - To provide professionals and educators working with women with efficient tools as a Learning Package and Handbooks aimed at supporting target groups’ social and labour integration. The partners involved in Pro-Women project are: - Cooperativa Sociale San Saturnino Onlus - Italy (coordinator) - Obiettivo Famiglia / Federcasalinghe - Italy - Center for Social Innovation CSI - Cyprus - WISAMAR - Germany - Ayuntamiento de Torrijos - Spain - AFORMAC - France