Fahrtziel Natur
Content submitted by Swiss Parks Network – Rianne Roshier
Submited Date : 02/03/2021
Bahnlehrpfad Bergün, Parc Ela © Rhätische Bahn

Fahrtziel Natur is a national cooperation in which the Swiss Parks work together with various local transport companies as well as environmental organisations and cantons in order to encourage tourists to travel to the Parks by public transport.

In order to do so, Fahrtziel Natur develops sustainable travel offers with attractive discounts. In tourism, transportation (travelling to and from the destination) makes up for the majority of carbon dioxide emissions. By combining exciting activities and explaining how easily accessible they are, the Swiss Parks tackle this issue and contribute to reducing global CO2 emissions. Moreover, the Swiss Parks include the information on “how to get there by public transport” in all their communication. That way, they raise awareness and make people more conscious that their transportation choice is important. Finally, innovation is also a key element and new ideas are being created in order to make public transport more attractive.
