Excerpt from the website.
fairjourney is a non-profit organisation concerned with the social, cultural, economic and ecological impacts of tourism on development. Right from it's inception, it's aim has been to promote the cause of the disadvantaged population in tourist destinations by raising public awareness, by advocating fair trade in tourism in a critical dialogue with the travel industry, and by encouraging travellers to be informed consumers.
The travel portal with rules of thumb, practical tips, information and inspiration for fair encounters with people from other cultures - on the road as at home.
fairjourney was founded in 1977 by a group of Swiss development agencies, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and committed tourism operators. Today, the competence center has some 130 members and, thanks to the support of government agencies, its education mandates and promotional partnerships for the operation of the travel portal fairunterwegs.org, is able to focus its activities on fair trade and the respect for human rights in tourism.
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