Archives: Education & Training
Posted Date : 18th January, 2021
This free Guide (which can be dowloaded at this link: aims to help empower museums (small, large and of any kind, anywhere), museum workers, museum networks and their partners to draw on Disaster Risk Reduction approaches. This should help them reduce the impact of disasters, whether COVID-19, climate change, or any other kind of […]
Posted Date : 4th August, 2020
This guide is intended to help empower museums (small, large and of any kind, anywhere), museum workers, museum networks and their partners to contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs for short).
Posted Date : 27th November, 2019
The Sociology of Leisure and Tourism course at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) will help undergraduate students to understand tourism from a sociological perspective. Students will analyze and study topics such as: -Sociological perspectives on environmental sustainability in tourism -Sociological perspectives on cultural sustainability in tourism -Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals -The […]
Posted Date : 30th August, 2019
You learn about the 17 SDGs in a challenging trail. What are the SDGs? What do they each stand for? And above all what can you do to contribute to a better world for everyone? Hidrodoe is in 2019 one of the six SDG Voices in Belgium. For a whole year we tell and educate […]
Posted Date : 27th August, 2019
2019 Summer School of the UNESCO chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites, established at USI – Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland). The 2019 Summer School of the UNESCO chair takes place in Switzerland: the activities of the first two days (August 24th and 25th) are running within […]
Posted Date : 6th August, 2018
Three day intensive workshop on tourism and the SDGs for PNG. Developed and led by Steve Noakes.
Posted Date : 27th July, 2018
Tourism and the SDGs – a 3 days training program conducted in December 2017. A total of 150 specialists from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, the Ulaanbaatar City Tourism Department, the Development center of Tourism, specialists in charge of tourism from districts and 21 aimags, other private organizations and entities attended the training.