Switzerland has been a driving force behind the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Tourism linked to Switzerland contributes to the achievement of the SDGs in numerous ways.
The Swiss SDG Tourism Dialogue strives towards more sustainability in tourism through information, knowledge exchange and collaboration.
What are your experiences as tourism actor in Switzerland? As host of Swiss travellers abroad? As partner of Swiss development cooperation?
We seek your stories and ideas as inspiration.
- Share with us and our Tourism4SDGs Platform community your experiences and best practices HERE.
- Get inspired by the below-listed examples and reach out to the people behind them.
- Colombia me Inspira – experiencias sostenibles de turismo en toda Colombia
- World Tourism Day Lucerne
- World Tourism Forum Lucerne (WTFL) & WTM Responsible Tourism Interview Series| Biodiversity, Eco-system services and tourism – Conflict or Symbiosis
- Official Launch of SwissTourism4SDGs – the Swiss dialogue on tourism & SDGs
- BTM Business Tourism Management
- Courageously shaping sustainable development in tourism
- Restaurant profitability revamp summit
- Global Initiative for Tourism Executives Recovery and Resilience Dialogue - Event 1
- Global Initiative for Tourism Executives Recovery and Resilience Dialogue - Event 2
- Global Initiative for Tourism Executives Recovery and Resilience Dialogue - Event 3
- Aua Forta Water days Engadin Scuol
- World Tourism Forum Lucerne Innovation Festival
- Tourism hackdays innovation festival
- Swiss Tourism4SDGs
- Mountain lab Adelboden
- Tourism development in South Albania
- Vajra Eco Resort Nepal
- Ksar Ghilane
- Walk the Talk
- La Route Verte
- Corporate Volunteering in Swiss Parks
- Descending from the alpine pasture in Entlebuch
- Alpbeizli Pass
- Switzerland -Morocco Sustainable Tourism Programme
- TempCamp
- Learn-earn-and-save-(Ulearn II)
- Slow Food Travel
- Fahrtziel Natur
- Values and Partnerships in Swiss Parks
- Tourism impacts in Labuan Bajo Flores Indonesia
- Wisata Programme
- Destination Mapping Analysis and Strategic action in Guyana
- ProJoven vocational training for young people at risk of exclusion
- Swiss import promotion programme - SIPPO
- Skills for Jobs - s4J
- Colombia competitiva strengthening the competitiveness of the private sector
- Skills Development Programme
- FOMILENIO II: Review of job profiles, skills requirements and the design of training programs for the sugar, construction, poultry, tourism and coffee sectors
- Nuevas Oportunidades: Productive Reintegration of Returning Migrants
- Economic Empowerment of Indigenous Youth and Women (EMPODERA)
- Promoting Private Sector Employment
- Vocational Skills Development Project
- Rural Market Opportunities in the Gulf of Fonseca
- Skills Development Programme to Increase Employability of Youth
- Science-based nature tourism as a strategy for ecosystem protection
- Coaching for Employment and Reintegration (C4ER) for returned migrants
- Sustainable Tourism Education Development Project (STED)
- Destinations in South-East Tunisia: new approaches and skills in the tourism sector
- Programme to Promote Internationalisation in Peru
- Sustainable Tourism Destination Development
- Pheun Than Heng A SipTraining Programme
- Economically strong regions through sustainable tourism (MIGIP Laos)
- Local Skills Development for Youth
- Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP Cambodia)
- Tourism Governance and Destination Marketing in Tunisia
- Swisstainable
- myblueplanet
- Hospitality Booster
- fairjourney-fairunterwegs-voyagethique
- Innovationsgenerator 2.0
- Hotel Valsana Arosa
- Initiative for Accessible Tourism in Switzerland OK:GO
- Green Marathon Zurich
- elearning for tourism during the time of coronavirus
- Integrating tourism, conservation and community development
- Improved skills through hospitality training in Cambodia
- Empowering women in Myanmar’s hospitality sector
- “Our goal is to make Flores a leading eco tourism destination in Southeast Asia”
- How a green job connects different generations through their love for the environment and stories
- Natural Macondo Colombia inspiration Ciénaga- The Capital of magic realism
- Being young is not east in Honduras – a story of the ProJoven project in Honduras
- Development also brings change