14 February 2023, 8:30 - 10:00 AM (EST) Via Zoom https://unwomen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkdu2qrjgsE9LBLI9UbVejI7yG9lYuXIjj
Webinar Regional - Turismo Comunitario Sostenible Intercambio de buenas prácticas
Fecha: 20 de julio del 2022 Hora: 10:30 AM - 12:10 PM Hora de República Dominicana 16:30 PM - 18:10 PM Hora de España
Vínculo de registro: https://bit.ly/3NOkwzG
Plataforma: Zoom-Webinar Lengua: Español e interpretación simultánea al inglésTourism is the largest sector of the ocean-based industries representing 40% of its total export value. Coastal and maritime tourism plays a significant role in the economic prosperity of island and coastal communities, bringing jobs, investment and income. Besides the benefits of tourism development, there are also challenges such as the loss of biodiversity, pollution and resource consumption.
At the core of the blue economy is the decoupling of socioeconomic development from environmental impacts. The side-event will focus on sustainable consumption and production as a key strategy to accelerate tourism ocean action. Policy makers and businesses will share policies, strategies and solutions to accelerate the contribution of towards a more circular and regenerative blue economy.
This tourism online masterclass is primarily aimed at public and private tourism stakeholders of the Dominican Republic, and also open to stakeholders with an interest / linked to the Dominican tourism sector.
The event is free and will be conducted in Spanish on 16 February, 09:00 - 10:30 (hora local en Santo Domingo)This tourism online masterclass is primarily aimed at public and private tourism stakeholders of the Dominican Republic, and also open to stakeholders with an interest / linked to the Dominican tourism sector.
The event is free and will be conducted in Spanish on 17 February, 09:00 - 10:30( hora local en Santo Domingo)This tourism online masterclass is primarily aimed at public and private tourism stakeholders of the Dominican Republic, and also open to stakeholders with an interest / linked to the Dominican tourism sector.
The event is free and will be conducted in Spanish on 15 February, 09:00 - 10:30 (hora local en Santo Domingo)This tourism online masterclass is primarily aimed at public and private tourism stakeholders of the Dominican Republic, and also open to stakeholders with an interest / linked to the Dominican tourism sector.
The event is free and will be conducted in Spanish on 14 February, 09:00 - 10:30( hora local en Santo Domingo)Join us for the Launch of the Glasgow Declaration during the COP26 in Glasgow!
The Declaration, developed by a collaborative group of leading organizations, is an urgent call for all stakeholders to commit to a decade of climate action in tourism. The signatories of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism are committing to act now and accelerate climate action to cut global tourism emissions by at least a half over the next decade and reach Net Zero emissions as soon as possible before 2050. In particular, each signatory will commit to deliver a concrete climate action plan, or updated plan, within 12 months of signing. Plans will be aligned with the proposed pathways of measurement, decarbonisation, regeneration, collaboration and financing that will accelerate tourism’s ability to transform. The Declaration will be officially launched at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26)World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade in Services and Investment Division, jointly with Trade and Environment Division, have the pleasure of inviting you to a webinar on:
Covid-19 and Green Economic Recovery:
What Roles for Sustainable Tourism?
Tuesday, 22 June 2021, 16.30-18:15 (CET) – Zoom platform
The main objective of the high-level panel discussion is the knowledge exchange on 'Building Back Better in Tourism'. With the objective of a responsible recovery of tourism, the panel of experts will exchange insights on how to improve the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the tourism sector through, in particular, responsible trade and investment. Achieving sustainable tourism requires constant monitoring of impacts moving away from traditional measures to new indicators that include the environmental and social dimension in addition to the economic measurement. For registration and further details, please click on the links below: WTO | COVID-19 and Green Economic Recovery: What Roles for Sustainable Tourism? Please register here This event will be livestreamed at: https://youtu.be/z4rNfy0_ctUTourism is the backbone of many developing world economies, and the sector is being drastically affected by COVID-19. How can countries weather and recover from this crisis? What lessons can we take from the past? Explore with our Experts!
SPEAKERS Belise Kariza, Chief Tourism Officer, Rwanda Development Board Zoritsa Urosevic, Director, Institutional Relations and Partnerships Department, Special Representative to the United Nations in Geneva - World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Anna Spenceley, Chair of IUCN WCPA Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group and Board Member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council MODERATOR Brendan Vickers, Adviser and Head of Section in the International Trade Policy Section, Commonwealth Secretariat Join Us! and Register HERENo time to lose!
Climate response - how?
#tourism can show the way!
Join #UNWTO for 'Transforming Tourism for Climate Action' at #COP 25- low carbon growth is reachable!